Keyluna (Shallow Shadows) (yohlee) wrote in keyluna,
Keyluna (Shallow Shadows)

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To-Do List Update... blah, blah, blah...

I haven't gotten much done since I got a concussion May 27th and it's been bothering me this past week, but I did work a bit on before that. Mainly the writing section, but it's coming along. And lol, my hobby To-Do List increased again. *shakes fist* I will defeat you and narrow you down to nothing one of these times, list!

To-Do List as of 6/3/2010:
♥ Finish revamp
♥ Write Gaia Online fanfic exchange + bonus
♥ Prepare and finish cosplays for ConnectiCon
♥ Fix that particular error with a few websites
Tags: !to-do list,

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